I’ve run in to a couple situations where I’ve wanted to iterate over a
list in pairs lately and decided to create a simple iterator to clean up
the code a bit.
In the following code I have a list of dictionaries that I’m going to
convert in to a linked-list of sorts. I’ll grant you this doesn’t make a
lot of sense in the trivial contrived case, but in my work I’ve
encountered it as part of converting some legacy XML data to a newer and
easier to work with JSON.
elements = ({'id': '1'}, {'id': '2'}, {'id': '3'}, {'id': '4'})
for i, element in enumerate(elements[:-1]):
element['next'] = elements[i + 1]['id']
Compare that to the following code.
for element, next in iterate_pairs(elements):
element['next'] = next['id']
The iterate_pairs helper is pretty straightforward. It makes use of the
which may take a bit of
to grok if it’s not familiar to you. The function iterate_pairs is
implemented as follows.
def iterate_pairs(a):
for i in xrange(len(a) - 1):
yield (a[i], a[i + 1])
It for-each’s n - 1 and yields (if nothing else think of it as returning
each time around) the i-th element and it’s next, i + 1. That’s it, we
can use this helper just like
but instead of getting the index along with each element we’ll get the
element and it’s next door neighbor.